Smart Factory Solution

Your first step to Industry 4.0

Transforming the way you run your factory

Highest possible production. Enormous cost-savings. Zero hassles.

Integrate your legacy systems

No rip-and-replace required! Smart factory solution has the ability to connect and extract data even from unconnected legacy systems. Our Andon hardware extensions are physically added to old machines. This ‘IoT-enables’ your legacy equipment and enriches the machine data so that it is generated and delivered intelligently. You no longer have to part with any equipment, but maximize the utilization of your assets instead.

Higher 'uptime' than ever before

Are you sick and tired of unexplained equipment downtime? One minute of downtime can cost a factory 100,000 to 1 million dollars in productivity losses. Smart Factory is Smart Plants’ solution that eliminates machinery downtime by efficiently locating bottlenecks. WIth help of solutions such as predictive maintenance and condition monitoring, your factory experiences significantly higher uptime, while your assets’ lives are extended also.

Productivity boost up to 7%

Your turnover isn’t satisfying? Productivity doesn’t seem to increase appreciably even after introducing lean methods? Here’s a case study on how our Smart Factory solution helped a client boost their productivity up to 7% in less than 3 months. That translates to around 10 million euros in production worth.

Major cost-savings

Want to get straight to the brass tacks? Running a factory is expensive. From direct labor to supply materials, every component has a bulk of cost attached to it. The Smart Factory solution helps you make enormous cost-savings in subtle ways you wouldn’t expect it to. Read this post to find 6 ways our Smart Factory product can help you save money.

24/7 remote monitoring power

You can monitor your factory from your bed at home or even from the beach. Smart Factory apps give you the power to remotely monitor your factory production from anywhere in the world. All you would need is a computer or mobile device and an internet connection. Managers and executives can derive key insights from past performance data, monitor how well targets are being met through live-updated KPI values and make better informed business-critical decisions—without even showing up to the factory.

Hassle-free workflow management

The dashboards present the live status of machinery, as well as overall production. This information is also displayed on large screens installed across the factory. Thus, important, concise and comprehensive insight is easily available to everyone at a glance. The result is a well- informed personnel, which lays the ground for a great reduction of errors. Help is given on time whereever it’s needed and production proceeds in a timely and efficient manner.

Smart Factory Solution Key Features

  • Real time overview of production processes including machinery downtime and its reason
  • Rapid and actionable feedback enabling higher uptime on machines
  • Data-driven analysis reveals true bottlenecks and ensures qualified replacements
  • Cloud-based system accessible from anywhere with internet connection
  • User-friendly, visually appealing and automated dashboard
  • A holistically flexible and scalable system according to your facility’s needs
  • User's access and device management from one portal
  • Lean manufacturing processes to reduce energy usage and carbon footprint
  • Simple touch panels for each operator to input current status by a single touch

Make sure that Smart Factory is right solution for you

Find out how we tailored Smart Factory solution for giants in manufacturing world!


  • How long would it take for Smart Factory to be realized in our factory?

    It takes 1-3 months for setup, installment and testing. However, support is always available when you need.

  • We do not have any internet connection in our factory. Can Smart Factory solution still be implemented?

    Yes. We can setup an internet connection or most probably boost the existing one as an addition to our service. It will probably come with an additional subscription fee from the service provider.

  • The majority of our machinery is very old. Can this service still be applied on them?

    Yes, of course. We will integrate your current machinery, no matter how old into the IoT.

  • We use another Iot system in our factory. Can we have it replaced by Smart Factory?

    Smart Factory can be integrated with any existing IoT system. If we deem it prudent, we would expand the current system to fully implement Smart Factory.

  • Is it secure to store our data on a cloud system?

    Yes. We armoured the communication and cloud storage with one of the markets most secure encryptions.

  • How much will I roughly save by installing Smart Factory solution in my infrastructure?

    You can contact us at [email protected] to get a quote with a rough estimate on savings.

  • Will I be charged per workstation, per factory floor, or would it be based on the area of the factory?

    Per workstation.

  • Is it possible for multiple factory floors to have their own separate dashboards?

    Yes. Our service is flexible to your needs and can be tailored to meet your requirements.

Are you a small, medium or large-sized manufacturer? This is the right solution for you!