into your industrial control systems

Giving you real-time information to act on.


Boost your competitive edge

Most industries and buildings house older systems do not fully cooperate with the connected world. By providing wireless data collection, monitoring, optimization and visualization all in one package, our products enable you to work smarter and stay on top of the game.


About us

At Smart Plants, we work to give you complete monitorial power of your machines, processes, buildings and everything connectable. We care about how efficient you want your work to be and this, we help maximizing all through a single, intuitive live dashboard.

Behind the screens, we provide and make use of data collection, cloud-solutions, machine learning, automation and real-time monitoring. This enables you to learn more about your systems and performances with historic data and reports, and make better decisions as a consequence.

What we do

Sensors – Software

Smart Plants is a full-stack IoT company working with industrial IT-solutions. We make you understand the full depth of your processes by capturing and processing the data surrounding your business, and presenting it to you in a clear, comprehensible and visually appealing manner, for you to easily make better informed decisions.

Our Product

Our products are rooted in machine algorithms, which connect to your existing systems and all relevant public data to gather information under one umbrella. The result is that you can measure and log every step and action in each part of the process. You can watch them undergo automatic continuous improvements and monitor everything from a single dashboard on your computer. If something critical happens, you’ll get alerted right away! Take a look at our Smart factory solution

Smart Factory Solution

Project based

Our technology

Our production consists of the use and development of the following elements.

IoT, Internet of Things

The connection of all things, both internal and external to the internet, to help you see the large picture of any process.

Machine learning

The use of programs and algorithms to make a machine able to learn from its processes and further optimize them, all by itself.

Cloud solutions

This allows to collect and save information with access to it from anywhere. Safety and increased uptime are natural consequences.


Measurements build the ground for improvement. We provide the required sensors to extract the data you need to make even more qualified decisions.

Case Studies

Our clients achieved incredible results over short periods of time.
Download free use-cases and find out how we did it.

Smart Factory

Case study

Find out how Smart Factory solution helped a client boost his productivity by 7% in less than 3 months. That translates to around 10 million Euros in production worth.

Our Clients